International Ambassadors
Anonymous with a fascinating personality sharing our philosophy
Sources of inspiration from all over the world by their own life experience
Represented countries

Anthony Hua
Economist on Her Majesty’s scientific service After brilliant studies in Environmental Economics at the prestigious Universities Paris Dauphine and AgroParisTech, Anthony had no choice than accepting 3-months recurrent temporary contracts for more than 2 years. Ignoring this uncomfortable and not very encouraging situation, he devoted himself exclusively to pure research in his field. He perfectly embodies La Tousche’s values through his sharp mind, his sake for the common good and his positivism.
- Expert in Mathematical modelling & Data Processing 100%
- Passionated by Molecular Physics 100%
- Tennis player & big fan of Paris SG’s football team 100%
- Developing new monetary tools 100%

Thavikham Souphrasavath
Financial Controller of genius Recently graduated from La Sorbonne, Thavikham won his spurs at Paris Dauphine University combining his studies and several work experiences in Fashion Design. Aesthete with international personality traits, he always provides a simple and sophisticated perspective on the world. He perfectly embodies La Tousche’s values through his insubordination toward the vicissitudes of life. The secret of his elegance? A right dose of optimism, a constant search for new challenges, and an innate sense of derision.
- Expert in Corporate Finance 100%
- Style & Fashion Trend Hunter 100%
- Creator of a new muscles reinforcement program 100%
- Argentinian wines lover 100%

Ziad Zitouni
Expert in Nutrition and Personal Coaching Specialist in Science and Technique of Physical and Sports Activities (State diploma from the National Institute of Sport), Ziad is passionate about Biology, functional anatomy and physiology, in addition to his pronounced taste for Sports Management activities. After many years of practising Judo, Kung Fu (Wing Chun), and French Boxing – while he was working in an educational institution to make ends meet and to help pay his university tuition – he has developed an unparalleled fighting spirit. He perfectly embodies La Tousche’s values through his appetite for life, his perseverance and generosity.
- Expert in Sport Traumatology & post-traumatic rehab 100%
- Full proficiency in Arabic 100%
- Music connoisseur & Hip Hop Dancer 100%
- Passionate about theological subjects 100%

Laura van den Boogert
Founder of a Charity & Project Development Having a strong international academic background between Latin America and Europe, Laura has always been trying to use her large language and public relations abilities by engaging in activities with a social purpose. She stood out in every NGO she used to work for because of her dynamism and commitment, without even having been given the chance to convert her semi-annual contracts into permanent contracts. She perfectly embodies La Tousche’s values through her communicative cheerfulness, her adventurous nature and her goodwill.
- Manager & Project Coordinator 100%
- Polyglot – Dutch, English, French, Spanidh, Italian, French, Bahasa Indonesian … 100%
- Fervent bike user as an eco-friendly mode of transportation 100%
- Loving travel & experimented salsa dancer 100%

Aurore Couesnon
International Communicant & Volunteer
Graduated from Science Po, from the Chinese University of Zhengzhou and currently enrolled in a program at the London School of Oriental and African Studies, Aurore is an explorer, half ethnographer half anthropologist. Driven by her intellectual curiosity and the longing to uncover the world’s secrets, she went to China in 2011, where she lived a thousand lives. Sharing her time between the little Kung-fu school of Dengfeng (in the periphery of Shaoling mountains), where she was teaching English to its orphans kids, and the neighboring University, she rapidly showed a great command in Chinese Mandarin. She perfectly embodies La Tousche’s values through her intergenerational personality, her capacity to break with moroseness and her insatiable curiosity for people.
- Incredible resilience capacity 100%
- Blogger 100%
- Explorer & « Guanxi Maker » 100%
- Regularly practicing Tai Chi 100%

Yuan Wang
Free-lance Journalist Ex-journalist at Agence France Presse in Beijing, Yuan has an unconditional passion for photography and her articles are often a reflection of this, developed as if the subject matter was revealed through a darkroom processing method. In 2013, a serious accident put her out of action for several months and forced her to follow an intensive muscular rehabilitation, without affecting her determination and humour. She perfectly embodies La Tousche’s values through her rebellious spirit, her availability for others and her ability to catch simple pleasures in daily life.
- Bilingual Editor Mandarin & English 100%
- Founder of the « Ministry of Hot Pot » 100%
- Outstanding chef when cooking Sichuan specialties 100%
- Craze for taking pictures of inanimate objects 100%

Juan-Carlos Tabarez
Great Architect of IT Engineering Having spent the last five years in Japan, Juan-Carlos has gained an almost complete understanding of Japanese cultural codes. Hard worker, he is always in search of novelty and different ways of learning. His hirst for knowledge is only limited by his daily sleep cycle, already quite reduced. He perfectly embodies La Tousche’s values through his relativism, his “going forward” attitude and his faculty to create social link.
- Trilingual IT Engineer – Spanish, English, Japanese 100%
- Enjoy transmitting the secrets of Venezuelan recipes 100%
- Take the time to share his time with others 100%
- In love with the boisterous rythms of Oscar de Léon 100%

Matias Lanz
Running a Family business From Argentina, but already impregnated with French culture thanks to his ancestors, Matias has confirmed his attachment to the French lifestyle after an academic stay in the capital in 2010. Studies in Business Administration and few years experience in international companies were enough to feed his willingness in taking the family business over, constant challenge that he is taking-up with serenity and impetuosity. He perfectly embodies La Tousche’s values through his ardour, his enlightened opinion, and his moral stamina.
- Business Management & Strong interest in International Affairs 100%
- Enjoy eating a “sandwich au fromage” 100%
- Volunteer involved in renovating buildings in the deprived neighborhoods of Buenos Aires 100%
- Marathonian 100%

Jaime Orellana
Mexican Entrepreneur in China Truly a Self-made-man, Jaime is one of the brightest minds. In addition to his Spanish, English and French, he speaks Chinese Mandarin like a native – having even reached on his own the HSK 6, highest level in the official language proficiency test – and he has participated in developing many projects in China: co-founding a primary school in Beijing, creating and managing a bed & breakfast, founding a structure to welcome Latin-Americans tourists. He faced the hardness of the business community and many times had to demonstrate an extreme perseverance to address the difficulties he encountered. He perfectly embodies La Tousche’s values through his cold-blood, his sense of work and his availability.
- Managing Projects in Tourism & Hospitality 100%
- Market & Sectoral policies Analyst 100%
- Experimented guitarist 100%
- Participating as a volunteer in educational activities 100%

Yodianto Matini
Law graduate / Engineer & Passionate about Quantum Physics Graduate from a Law School in Indonesia, and former student of the very selective Peking University, Yodianto is extremely talented for his young age with a remarkable immediate memory helping him to collect and process a colossal amount of information. Forced to remain immobile in a hospital bed for more than 6 months, after an accident that was about to leave him paralyzed from the waist down, he kept unchanged his iron will and got back on his feet, before relocating to Shanghai returning to his family roots. He perfectly embodies La Tousche’s values through his genius, his simplicity and his honesty.
- Engineering student with Law background 100%
- Regular Chess & Go player 100%
- Well-informed moviegoer 100%
- Heavy drinker of Kopi Luak 100%

Saloni Singh Raghav
Indian Expert in Human Resources & Chief Coordinator of a Mental Health Foundation Holding an MBA in Corporate Management, Saloni also founded Umeed, an NGO working for the welfare of slum kids. The eldest of 10 children of a joint family of 24 members living together, Saloni is the goodness and the disinterestedness personified and mainly dedicates her actions to caring about others. A bit torn between the structural determinism of Indian society and her wish of freedom to carry out important personal projects, she braved the social pressure to listen to her heart. She perfectly embodies La Tousche’s values through her greatness of soul, her desire to serve the community and her enthusiasm.
- Special talent for Communication & Human relations 100%
- No interest in Politics 100%
- Love spicy food 100%
- Vegetarian 100%

Alejandro Martin Fernandez
Business Analyst & Number 10 Former student at University of Seville, Alejandro explored Europe and Latin America from all angles. Constantly striving to enhance his skills, he got himself ready for the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English and passed the exam with high scores, before being recruited for a key position in a multinational company by sheer force of determination. Now, he is about to take the GMAT test in order to join an MBA program in the US. He perfectly embodies La Tousche’s values through his savoir-vivre, his ability to remain calm in all circumstances, and his courtesy.
- Trilingual Project Manager – Spanish, English, French 100%
- Numismatist of the « first hour » 100%
- Aficionado of French language 100%
- Flamenco dancer & Delantero n°1 100%

Eduardo & Bernardo Peralva
F&B Manager / Researcher at CERN
These two brothers originlly from Juis de Fora, manager in F&B sector and teacher of electric engineering at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, like the Bresilian national motto, are looking to progress. In love with “French baguettes”, Eduardo was amazed by France from his very first visit in 2009. Bernardo is regulary travelling to Europe due to his projects at CERN, and never stop enhancing his communication skills in the language of Molière. They perfectly embody La Tousche’s values through their constant optimism in the face of adversity, their enthusiasm and an unwavering “muito bom” attitude.
- Manager in F&B sector & Researcher at CERN 100%
- Fan of the Desireless’ song: “voyage voyage” 100%
- Samba dancers 100%
- French wines lovers 100%